
19 Aug 2020


Crew wellness - helping our people back to thriving

With the unprecedented events that have shaped 2020, making progress on our Future-Fit people goals are our top priority.

9 Aug 2020


Our pathway to renewable energy

thl operationally is already on the way to reducing power use and replacing unsustainable power supply. Click to find out more 

11 Jun 2020


Tackling Waste

Eliminating waste from our business is a challenging task, but one that engages many of our customers and crew. Find out about some of our waste-reduction initiatives.

9 Jun 2020


Our journey away from fossil-fuel dependency

We understand the magnitude of eliminating GHG emissions from our business and know it's the right path to be on.  Learn about some of our initiatives here.

10 Mar 2020


Making New Zealand Future-Fit: business leaders meet to learn more

On 3 March 2020, senior business leaders, investment managers and sustainability professionals from more than 30 of New Zealand’s biggest companies came together to learn more about the Future-Fit Business Benchmark. 

27 Feb 2020


Engaging your leaders in Future-Fit

Author: Future-Fit Team

 Here we share our tips for running a Future-Fit workshop for your leaders.


18 Feb 2020


Future-Fit in a nutshell: why, who and how

Author: Future Fit Team

Here's Future-Fit at thl in a nutshell: why, who and how in a short animation...

10 Feb 2020


Setting up your Future-Fit team

Author: Future Fit Team

Your travel buddies can make or break a journey – and your Future-Fit Roadtrip too. To navigate the road (and bumps) ahead, you’ll need to choose your team carefully.

17 Dec 2019


Why Future-Fit and why the Future-Fit Benchmark?

Author: Future Fit Team

Every day brings another reason to act. Bush fires in Australia and the USA are just the latest example of the devastating impacts of climate change. These fires are having a devastating impact in turn on the environment, on individuals, families and communities, and on businesses.

10 Dec 2019


Getting your Exec and Board along on your Future-Fit journey

Author: Future Fit Team

Like every great roadtrip, our thl Future-Fit roadtrip started with a good idea – and a challenge: how to encourage some travel buddies (our executive team and Board) along for the ride. Was Destination Future-Fit Business somewhere they wanted to visit? Would they sign up to the itinerary, research the trip, and commit to long days on the road?
